Thursday, May 31, 2012

A review

Feedback from someone who just finished reading The Demon Chasers on Kindle.‎

Marguerite posted to Facebook: *Really* good book of the can't put down type.  Paul Strid, I hope the sequel is coming soon!

Thank you so much, Marguerite!


Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Available in paperback!

It will be 5-7 days before this shows up on Amazon.  It is available immediately from CreateSpace.  The price is $19.99 USD.  It is a hefty book, 6"x9" with over 500 pages of text.

The proof copy arrived today and I just went through it.  The maps came through nicely.

Enjoy, my friends!


Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Lion Throne is volume three of the Chronicles.  I had no idea that story was even in there when the first tale was written.  I thought there might be an episode in the third book and it became the entire third book.  It may be one of the hardest to write (I have been at it for several years) because it recounts a civil war and when you have armies marching in several locales at once it is easy to lose the threads of the story.  You would not believe all the spreadsheets and maps I use to keep track of it all.

Of course, once the first book is published the pressure is on to keep the next ones coming.  So, after a hiatus of three months, I got back to The Lion Throne and wrote a scene that has been hovering out there for a long time.

Primnel yielded to her curiosity and asked, “Did you have a love, my lady?” Embarrassed, she continued. “I mean, well, I am too young to know love and you sing so movingly. I’m sorry. It does not concern me. Please forgive me.”

A faint smile at last came to Vremja’s lips though her eyes were still sad.

“Yes, Primni.” 

The arms of the Barony of Dwar.  Vremja inherited the title when her father was killed in a slaughter that resulted from miscommunication. The Dwari are famous for their musical ability, symbolized in the three golden harps in chief.

Primnel is a precocious ten-year-old whose father is away, vying for the throne.

As announced earlier, I hope to have The Lion Throne published in 2013.  I still have about one third of it to write.


Friday, May 25, 2012

Publication draws nearer!

I just ordered the paperback proof copy and it should be in my hands by next Wednesday evening.  If all goes well eager readers should be able to order The Demon Chasers in paperback ere long.


Almost there

The book and cover are uploaded and being reviewed by the publishing arm. The price will be $19.99 for a 6x9 inch paperback of over 500 pages. Distribution will include libraries and European sales.


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Progress toward paperback

I've been working on getting the paperback version on Create Space (another Amazon affiliate).  The text is formatted (it took several attempts and several files were corrupted along the way).  The graphics (mostly maps) did not have high enough resolution so I am going through several steps to resave them at 300dpi.  Hope to have the interior of the book uploaded tonight.  Once the cover is ready, we can publish.  Will keep you posted.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mithron linguistics

Click to embiggen.

This chart showing interrelationships among the tongues of Mídhris is old.  I do not think I believe it any longer.

Just as languages change, so do the linguistic theories about how those changes have come about.

There is a great deal I need to ponder in terms of tribal migrations, ethnic and linguistic influences, trade, and the sheer matter of politics and economics (the languages of dominant groups end up dominating).  At the time of the tales recounted in the Chronicles the primary languages are Standard Mithron, Perrine, Druvic, and Hlvi.  Imperial Sivvaron is a foreign tongue and largely lost except in ancient records.  Missionaries from the Empire abandoned it quickly in favor of a language "understanded of the people."  Since gnords communicate telepathically there is really little sense in postulating a language for them.  Besides, they're birds, though certainly not ordinary ones.

I really do enjoy the perversity of having Nivan and Perrine related.   The Perrine Isles are far to the south of the Mere and Nivan only survives in areas like the hills above Nialt and Tolvith.  How the hell did that happen?  It would be a pity to smooth out that anomaly.

The materials from which The Chronicles emerge have developed over four entire decades.  I have changed my mind about many things in that time period.  It will be interesting to see what emerges as the stories are finalized and published.


Additional versions

I know we don't all have Kindles or like e-books.  That was the easiest way to get started.  I am working on a paper version of The Demon Chasers.  It will take a while to make that available so I beseech your patience.  At Jonathan's prompting I am also considering doing audio books.

Not lacking in self-confidence, I note that I am the only one who knows how to pronounce all those names in my books so that means I should be reading the stories for the audio version.  Well, I do love telling stories and reading aloud.  Self-publishing isn't called "vanity press" for nothing.

We'll keep you posted.


New Facebook page

I have just created a Facebook page to help fans and potential fans stay in touch with the progress of The Chronicles.  OK, to get the word out and push sales. Let's be real.

HUGE THANKS TO THOSE FIRST PURCHASERS!  I really appreciate your taking a chance on a new author.


Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Joys of Fantasy - The Mithron Calendar

A challenge for fantasy writers is creating a believable world.  For the most part the world of which Mídhris is a part operates by the same laws of physics and geological and historical developments as the word we know, good old Terra.  The planet is the same size as earth, with very similar lengths of days and years. 

Because it is fantasy I can play a bit.  I can also simplify.  So the Mithron calendar has 365 days, with no remainder and thus no leap years.  From there, of course, the rest is human convention.  Twelve months of thirty days each with five intercalary days.

The intercalary days are the first day of the year - Rushlatha, Birth Day [of the year] - which falls on the winter solstice; the vernal equinox - Fuhllatha, Blood Day [from the memory of fertility sacrifices no longer made]; the summer solstice - Shachlatha, Sun Day; the autumnal equinox - Veshlatha, Harvest Day; and the last day of the year - Baslatha, Death Day.

The months are as follows:
Odnaj - the Snow Month
Ardhaj - the Bear Month
Agraj - the Opening Month (when buds appear)
Daordhaj - the Bee Month
Kjoraj - the Cherry Month
Vechtaj - the Herb Month
Gwenthaj - the Wheat Month
Selivaj - the Plum Month
Enskaj - the Dancer's Month (when Senjir the Dancer appears in the heavens)
Veshnaj - the Harvest Month
Helaj - the Hunting Month
Dorchaj - the Dark Month

Before you panic trying to vocalize these names, remember that "J" always has the sound of "Y."  The months all end with the syllable "aj" which sounds a lot like "eye" but with an extra "y'" at the end.

Another time we can consider the lunar cycles and weeks.  The zodiac takes us into the star faith of Mídhris and its mythology.

Everything in the stories is plotted with the date, moon phase, constellations, and weather in mind.  If I can't believe it, neither will you.


Friday, May 11, 2012

This is invigorating

With news of a second sale in Asia (Wuxi, China, and Bangalore, India) I was so excited I have actually written the prologue of Book Four.  Granted, Book Three is not finished, but one must strike where the inspiration hits.


Monday, May 7, 2012

How can Ian understand Mithron?

Click to enlarge

Any reasonable person will wonder how Ian William Dyrnedon, born in Yorkshire, can possibly understand the language spoken in a parallel world.

Well, Njothila does suggest a rachthor's bite.  Rachthors are nasty critters in Mídhris whose bite, if one survives it, conveys the ability to understand even the languages of animals.  It is a gene-altering event that carries down bloodlines.  Ian, at that point, had never encountered one.  But one must have crossed from Mídhris to England because Ian's great-grandmother, Elizabeth Carver, was bitten by one.  So was an unknown ancestor of Ian's sister Annabelle's future husband.

Additionally, most Mithron words have cognates in the sundry languages of Europe and the Near East, suggesting a lot of ancient crossing between the worlds, back when languages were still fluid and developing.  Hard to tell what may lie in the collective unconscious.


I apologize for small graphics

When I attempted uploading the book I had a problem with graphics.  I reduced their size, fearing they would not fit on a Kindle page.  This one, especially, should not have been reduced but expanded.  My apologies to all readers.


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Gentle reader, don't have a Kindle?

There's an app for that, as they say.

Free Kindle apps for all kinds of devices may be found here.


Who is G. M. Deveril, anyway?

The metafiction of The Chronicles of Mídhris is that it is the true story of an earthly family and its interactions with a parallel world.  There are many clues that they are not the only ones who crossed the dimensions but theirs is the story that is told.  The collector and redactor of all the family tales, and of the history of Mídhris, is a descendant of Ian Dyrnedon, the hero of Darkslayer.  His name is Grevedan Matthew Deveril and his ancestry is complex and fascinating.  Well, it would be, as he is my alter ego and in him I get to fantasize another life.  He is not a young demon slayer or an epic hero but a scholar, linguist, and student of history and literature.  He also has what I do not: an eidetic (photographic) memory, which makes him the ideal heir to all those historic and literary records in another world.  His Mithron arms appear above, the oak tree of Wolmsley from his mother and the flaming sword from his father.  The flower in his crest is Hermann's Peace, but that is a story from much later in the Chronicles.


Bjupazh and Westwaste

Once freed from the dungeon of Fjorn and safely through the Forest of Fjorn, our two parties of heroes reunite and head further west in the tracks of the Chegjan.  This map may help.  They cross the Ulava River by Vorç and then go up the Gnura and Athor Rivers to Mount Rggan.

I know the orthography is a pain but that mountain sounds like "urge-on."  I had to take out all the Eastern European characters that I prefer and since "j" is always like "y" I settled on a double g for the "g" in "gin," which makes no logical sense.  Enjoy the challenge!

As always, click on the image to view a larger version.


Map from Siot to Fjorn

This map traces the path of our adventurers overland from Siot-on-the-Wicket to Nimmoth, down the Mither River to Mimmoth, along the coast to Vothnell and then Fimmoth.  From there they journey north along the Fiona River to Thioth then Othen and head west.  Ambushed, some find themselves in Fjorn, unwilling guests of the Prince.



In about twelve hours the book should be available on Amazon.  Look for the title The Demon Chasers and the author name Grevedan Deveril.  Reasonably priced at $5.99 USD (where else can you get a 400 page book with maps at that price?).  If you can, please use the Amazon widgets at OCICBW since that costs the reader no more while it helps support a good friend.

For those who would like to see the maps in more detail, I will post them here where you can click on them to enlarge.


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Let me take you on a journey

 Map and text © 2012 Paul E. Strid

Our journey begins in a parallel world, deep in the vast Forest of Norrast.  Soon the tribal people living there are joined by a Stranger from the world we know, a Yorkshire lad from Queen Anne's England.  From the Norrung capital of Vorthall this unlikely youth and his companions set forth on a classic quest to save their world from a demon.  They are joined by a wolf, a sorceress, a blustering aristocrat, some thieves, and a princess.

My greatest joys in writing come from rich texture, relationships, and character.  Nothing is written without topographical maps and genealogy charts that help me visualize a world of imagination.  Only a few of those make it into the text but they all underlie a saga that spans centuries.  I hope readers will enjoy this adventure.

With a little luck the first volume will be available in about a week and I hope to publish the second volume before Christmas.